Welcome to Air Speed Films, by Stuart Wareing.
With over 20 years experience as a freelance sound recordist, 9 years as a drone pilot and cinematographer, I have primarily worked on factual/documentary programmes for TV, films and branded online content. Throughout my career I have worked on a whole range of diverse and challenging subjects, and am an essential person to have with you in your team.
I am based in Dorset, UK but am originally from the North West of England and some of you may know me from there. I have been lucky that my work has taken me to most continents, polar regions and oceans of the world, thriving in often difficult conditions. I have an adventurous spirit, high technical standards and down to earth character, which makes me a valuable member of an often small but dedicated team, creating beautiful, compelling and immersive content of the very highest quality.

20+ years sound and TV production experience
8 years CAA GVC Specific Category certificate holder (for drone operations in UK)
EASA A2 Open Category certificate holder (for drone operations in EU)
FAA Part 107 certificate holder (for drone operations in USA)
HEFAT (Hostile Environment and First Aid Training)
TILS (Trauma and Intermediate Life Support) Training
RYA Powerboat Level 2
RYA Safety Boat
RYA Day Skipper Theory and Practical
HSE/REC First Aid - First Aid for remote places
MCA Personal Survival Techniques (Sea Survival)
PADI Open Water Diver